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All Nations, Tribes, People, and Languages

Don and I had the privilege this morning of watching a daughter in the faith baptized, a public confession of her faith in Jesus Christ.

I am encouraged as I watch what God is doing, here in America and around the world.

This week I’ve been especially challenged by two articles in the Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) magazine. I confess I have my prejudices. I don’t want them, but they are there. So often I’ve thought of people in third-world countries who can’t read as being less intelligent than me. And yet, I just read about two men who upend that stereotype with their faith and outreach to thousands in the name of Jesus.

Bahmin, a Tuareg, was in prison in the Sahara Desert for three years for his participation in a crime. No windows, just openings in the walls.

Sweltering heat.

photo of desert
Photo by Ali Abdel Radi on

No AC.


Then a group of men came into the prison. They installed windows in the openings, put fans in every cell, cleaned the bathrooms and even brought in a TV for the prisoners. These men were not associated with the prison. They were Christians who came to serve. Then they came on Sundays to share the gospel.

Bahmin says that before they even spoke about Jesus he was open to the good news of salvation because he saw their love in action. After his release, he studied with a pastor, led his family to Christ and then many of his relatives.

rear view of a silhouette man in window
Photo by Donald Tong on

“The truth I discovered is about Jesus,” he told them plainly. “He is the way. He is the light. Whoever does not follow Him cannot meet God.” (VOM, March 2022/Vol 56 No 3, p 7). (From the Gospel of John 14:6).

Mahmud, a Fulani, moved away from Niger because he didn’t want to be involved with a Christian missionary there. Twenty years later he returned to Niger and finally requested help from another missionary to enroll his eleven children in school. Soon he and his family committed their lives to Christ. His wife had already become a believer, but had been afraid to tell Mahmud for fear of being beaten.

Mahmud lived and worked alongside the missionary for the next sixteen years and, as his children became adults, five of them joined their father in sharing the gospel with the Fulani. They teach groups that are often more than 100 at a time. Since many Fulani are unable to read, they begin their presentation playing a section of an audio Bible, teach, then leave the audio Bible and return later to answer questions.

These men have a goal of reaching all the Tuareg and Fulani tribes for Jesus. Both have led hundreds to Christ over the past years. Bahmin, his son and cousin have established 33 churches in three years.

Bahmin and Mahmud are committed to sharing the gospel, whatever the cost. They have experienced some persecution and tell new believers to expect it. “If Christ Himself was persecuted, it is natural [that his followers will be persecuted]”, said Mahmud.

These stories remind me that God is at work both here in America and around the world. One day all men will acknowledge Jesus Christ, the sacrificial lamb, as Lord. As scripture tells us,

After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.  And they cried out in a loud voice:

“Salvation belongs to our God,

who sits on the throne,

and to the Lamb.”

Revelation 7:9-10

I’m so glad for these men who teach about Jesus in countries far from where I live. God’s Word transcends language and culture. Where I have the benefit of education and literacy, they have the benefit of realizing in a very deep way that only through Jesus can they have peace and the hope of eternity.

I’m reminded of a trip we took to Israel. Several in our group wanted to be baptized in the Jordan River, where Jesus was baptized. They had sectioned off areas for the individual groups. One one side I heard praise songs in English; on another, in an Asian language and still another, in rich, deep African voices. And I thought “This is a little taste of heaven.”

God bless you, Bahram, Mahmud and your families. We’ll celebrate together in heaven for all eternity.


  1. Edie peters says:

    Our missionaries are very dedicated to the gospel being preached to all people of all races in all the planet. They are subjected to so many dangers and snares. Elements of heat and accommodation and wild animals and much more. Our son is in India now and he is subjected to a lot. He even survived a scorpion bite while in India and got very sick. I often neglected to acknowledge to actually think about what these missionaries endure. But they persevere because of their deep dedication and love for Jesus. How powerful a testimony they have!
    Would I be able to do the job? Probably not. I’ll be honest. And let’s remember that there are families who are at home keeping watch over the children and tending to all the house duties that are required of them. I’m making a commitment to pray for all the teachers that teach in other countries and also the ears that are so anxious to hear the truth! True enough- there are many nations and tribes who love Jesus and always many more precious souls to believe in Jesus. There. Are many deep and powerful strongholds that fight over the real gospel and for those people it is difficult to see the truth. Thanks be to Jesus and his church for bringing the gospel to everyone !

    1. carolnl says:

      Thanks, Edie, for your thoughtful response. First, I’m so glad your son survived the scorpion bite, and for his commitment to share the gospel around the world. Yes, deep dedication and love for Jesus and for the world! I’m really glad you’ve committed to pray for teachers and listening ears in other countries. We fight a very real enemy but we do know the end of the story, and God wins! Thank you, love you.

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