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View of the multiple shades of blue in the warm Hawaiian waters

View of the multiple shades of blue in the warm Hawaiian waters

We fly through enormous cotton candy clouds and look down to see whitecaps dancing on the blue and turquoise waters. Green fields of sugar cane enter our view through the plane’s window, interspersed with other crops, surrounded by iron-rich red soil, and interrupted by rugged, velvet-covered mountains.

Don and I are descending to the island of Maui for a much needed break.

Rene spoke Sunday about “beholding” – really seeing, focusing on, the beauty of God through His Word as well as His creation.

The last months have been full with preparations for a “zero” party for Don (for the uninitiated, that’s a birthday that ends in a zero) last weekend; preparing a rental house for sale; and dealing with our little Paigey’s health challenges as well as my own, which I wrote about last week.

Along with these practical tasks, we’ve had guests, visited dear friends out of state to say goodbye as the husband dealt with cancer, lost the friend we visited, and learned of several others with significant health challenges.

The season has been intense and painful and disheartening and wonderful.

So now we’re running away. Yes, we have good care in place for Paige and Kelly. The house is almost back in shape after the delightful party last weekend. And we grieve with our friend who is without her husband of many years.

But God has blessed us with this opportunity to relax in the sun, sleep, read, eat, sleep, sun, eat, read. Just the two of us. Time to put aside our side-by-side work over the summer and focus on our Creator and on each other as we walk hand in hand along beaches and kiss at glorious sunsets.

It’s at least fifteen years since I’ve been in Hawaii; for Don, more like 50! We want to stop, look, listen, BEHOLD and ADORE our God.

In such busyness, how and where do you “behold” your God?


  1. Columba Smith says:

    So glad you are having a wonderful vacation, Carol! I spend time with God in the morning, usually before my teens wake up. I’m thankful to live in a peaceful forest, where I can connect with God in the quiet.

    1. carolnl says:

      Sounds like you have a marvelous setting in which to connect with God, Columba. I’m so glad for you.

  2. MarJean Peters says:

    Ahhh, so good to take a “Shabbat” when life presses in hard. I praise God with you for this time to rest, regroup, refresh, and worship our Creator!!

    1. carolnl says:

      Thank you Marjean. And what a time we’ll have on our girls’ get-together soon. Can’t wait to see you! I pray you and Conrad are also having times of Shabbat.

  3. Karen O'Connor says:

    I’ve been thinking about you love birds every day since your departure. I’m so happy to know you are enjoying your time together after the wonderful party celebrating dear Don. I spent my weekend alone and while walking in my neighborhood I found so many things to ‘behold’–all from the hand of our generous God: rolling hills behind my house, flowers popping up here and there despite the shortage of rain, trees whispering in the afternoon breeze and birds chirping their songs from atop the high telephone wires and house roofs. I am blessed and I never want to forget it.

    1. carolnl says:

      Thank you sweet friend. Isn’t it wonderful to take time to take in those gifts from our gracious Father – the beauty of the hills, flowers, all you mention. I too never want to forget His blessings! I look forward to seeing you soon Karen.

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