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Pain, a Reminder

back pain 1Ouch! As I stepped out of the car I felt the familiar stab of pain.

I’ve been dealing with sciatica lately, especially in my left hip and knee. At times I forget and suddenly realize I’m walking normally. Then the pain digs in and I limp, holding onto railings to walk up steps, leading with my right leg, dragging my left behind.

I'm trying!

I’m trying!

I’m receiving treatment, doing my exercises, sleeping as well as I can (usually on an ice pack!); but some days it seems like there’s no improvement. I hate pain. (Can I get an “Amen?”)

I’m not comparing mine to anyone else’s pain. There are people dealing with far more serious, long-term, and painful issues than mine. But this is MY pain and I sometimes get grouchy, irritable, and touchy. I’m not much fun to be around.

But the other day I saw my pain as a reminder. What Jesus faced in going to the Cross, physically, emotionally and spiritually, was exponentially greater than my intermittent pain. He experienced the horror of having nails pierce His hands and feet while blood ran down His face from the crown of thorns pressed into His head; His torn feet tried desperately to push His body up in order to gasp another breath of air; He felt the agony of knowing His Father could not look on the sin Jesus carried on the Cross–for me, for you–and I thanked God for reminding me how much He gave in order for me to know Jesus, to have His love and peace in this life and the next. To quote the apostle Paul: “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings…” (Philippians 3:10).free-christian-clip-art-.126

So while I pray for, and work toward wellness, the ability to walk distances again, to climb stairs without assistance, I want to remember the pain my Savior experienced to give me forgiveness and new life, and to live in thanksgiving, yes, even for the pain.

What kind of pain are you dealing with? What helps you deal with it? Does knowing Christ change your attitude in your pain? Let’s discuss.


  1. Fritz Buschma says:

    I have had sciatic pain. With exercises and time it did resolve. It is difficult pain and hard to deal with. Pain changes your attitude and your day. But thank God for his presence. Your reminder of what He suffered for us is a good reminder. Thank you , Carol. I’m pray for healing for you.

    1. carolnl says:

      Fritz, thank you. I appreciate your prayers for healing a great deal. How long did it take your sciatica to resolve?

  2. Karen O'Connor says:

    Thank you, Carol, for the reminder of the pain Christ endured for us. It certainly puts our hurts in perspective. I pray that you will find relief you can live with.

    1. carolnl says:

      Thank you Karen. Sure good to see you today.

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