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In My Weakness

pain tearsLast week I wrote about the need to come out of the tomb, to Jesus – and LIFE.  A day or two later Don and I read the 8/31 entry in the devotional, “Jesus Calling.” The scriptures, and Sarah Young’s devotional, described me.  I am weak. I have aches and pains I never used to have. I often limp because of hip pain. My shoulder sometimes feels like it’s going to shatter. I need Advil PM to sleep.

Young writes:

“Some of my children I’ve gifted with abundant strength and stamina. Others, like you, have received the humble gift of frailty. Your fragility is not a punishment, nor does it indicate lack of faith…weak ones like you must live by faith, depending on Me to get you through the day. I am developing your ability to trust Me, to lean on Me, rather than on your understanding.”

This is not a “poor me”. It is a recognition that as the Apostle Paul said,

“Three different times I begged God to make me well again.

Each time he said, ‘No. But I am with you; that is all you need. My power shows up best in weak people.’” (II Corinthians 12:8-9a)

God has allowed this pain and wants to be shown strong in my weakness. That’s not to say I am not seeking help for these issues, or that I’ll just give in and let my woes ensnare me. NO! I want to live life to the fullest. However, I also see where if I didn’t have these limitations, I might at times run over others in my perfectionism and desire to control.

Young says, “You have been given the gift of fragility.” That resonated. Fragility – a gift, not a curse – that keeps me leaning into Jesus, relying on His strength to work through my weakness, to guide me to those priorities He has for ME to do. He also calls me to recognize the limitations I have and to allow others to pick up my slack.

Where is God using your weakness?


  1. Karen O'Connor says:

    Carol, thank you for sharing your pain and your health challenges. I appreciate your positive attitude and always leaning on the Lord for his strength and for guidance. God is helping me in my weakness after losing my husband and in terms of my health, I have to be conscientious about my blood pressure, watching my diet, exercising daily and keeping stress at bay as much as possible. But I know that nothing is impossible with God so I hold on to him.

    1. carolnl says:

      Karen, where would we be without that “peace that passes understanding”. So glad God is holding you up in your loss. We would so have loved to see Charles here on Saturday with you, and look forward to the day of reunion with so many we love. You encourage me. Thanks!

  2. MarJean Peters says:

    Dear Carol, When I read your blog to Conrad, we both had to laugh because our aging fragility mirrors yours! I guess it’s good to be able to laugh, especially in good company! Good article and I love that the writings of Sarah Young bless you as they have me. My heart is torn by pharisaical Christians who criticize her work without even reading through it and looking up the scriptures behind it. Her writings DO draw us to Jesus. Thank you for posting! Big hug!

    1. carolnl says:

      Jeannie, while I’m not happy to hear you and Conrad are experiencing some of the same fragilities, I am encouraged to know I’m not alone in this aging process. Laughing is wonderful! I’m glad you also enjoy Sarah Young’s writings. Big hug back to you and Conrad.

  3. Columba Smith says:

    I keep reading the Scripture about Paul’s thorn, Carol. My neck issues have been teaching me to lean on Jesus. I’m very driven by nature, and have never had to slow down for health issues, so this is a big challenge for me. I appreciate your godly attitude. Thank you for your wonderful example!

    1. carolnl says:

      I know you are dealing with pain in a big way, Columba. Bless you, and thank you for your encouragement. I pray you will also get the physical help needed.

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